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Safety Building Features You Should Know

Whenever you enter a building or any establishment such as malls or hotels, you often ignore your safety. In other words, you don’t check the place you are located as long as you know you are in a closed area like these buildings. But what if something happened like fire or earthquakes? How you able to know that there will is already an emergency if you’re inside the comfort room? Put …Read More

Poverty Leads to Increasing Crime Rates

According to statistics, the highest recorded crime rate per country in the world is the United States of America. In the year 2011 alone, the crime rate was 12MM. USA is followed by Germany, France, Russia Federation and Italy, respectively. The tallied number of crimes is based on those only reported to the police therefore excluding those instances that you were robbed during your sleep or even at school. The …Read More

Fire Prevention with Alertness and Awareness

Fire erupts in two ways: man-made or natural occurrence. Whether it’s caused by either of the two, experiencing getting caught by fire is a really drastic moment in your life. You might survive, or you may not at all. Despite the threat of fire wherever you are in the world, there is always a way to prevent it from happening and if it naturally occurred like grassfire, professional help is …Read More

Different CCTV Cameras for Different Purposes

It is an obvious fact that CCTV cameras are used for surveillance and security purposes. If you happen to pass by the streets in your place, you will find cameras placed properly in electric posts or even outside the entrance of any business establishment. But, for those who aren’t really observant, you may not know it but there are also cameras taking videos of you without you knowing it. These …Read More